Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Teaser! Patara + John = Patrohn

John and I used to be roommates when I used to work down in San Jose.  In fact, he practically let me live at his house for free.  We used to bowl for fun every week at Fourth Street Bowl because they had some steep discounts on Monday nights.  One night, Patara came out to bowl with us and I just remember laughing all night long.  John’s a really laid back kinda guy and Patara seemed like such a bundle of “happy”, from the beginning they complimented each other SO well.  When I found out they were engaged, I couldn’t have been happier for them!
They’re heading out to Thailand to celebrate their engagement with Patara’s extended family and wanted to take some pictures with them.  I was honored when they asked me for a quick mini-E-Session.  We goofed off a bit like we always did and raced against the sun, but I was pleased with the images we got.  Here’s a little teaser, more to come later:

Special thanks to Jason for helping me out on this shoot

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