Thursday, December 23, 2010

Patara + John = Patarohn - Engagement Palo Alto

So my old roommate John called me up for an engagement session before they went off to Thailand to celebrate their engagement/wedding with Patara’s side of the family.  They didn’t have a preference on location so we met up in Palo Alto.  We raced around Stanford University chasing sunlight and avoiding rain.  In all, I think our shooting time was less than an hour.  So we were a bit rushed, but I was pretty happy with our images.
The last shot we took with Christmas lights lining University Ave was something I had in my head for a loooong time now.  It was inspired by another San Francisco photographer, Dustin Diaz.  I LOVE the lighting in his images.  It took a few tries to get it right.  We got honked at a few times, but once people saw what we were up to they were pretty patient with a couple of crazy photographers running around the intersection.
Special thanks to Jason Ku for helping out on this shoot(and for not getting run over).

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