Friday, December 31, 2010

Patara + John = Patarohn - Engagement Bloopers

There are times that being a photographer just makes me LOL.  There were a couple pics during this photo shoot that did that for me.  To set these up, we were taking some engagement shots in the middle of the street on a bustling University Ave in Palo Alto.  Patara and John waited for the lights to turn green and walked out to the middle of the crosswalk and posed, Jason was right next to them with a flash connected to my off camera flash(he actually walked further into the street closer to moving traffic).  I was in the other crosswalk on the other side of the street with my camera.  In the time it took for the lights to change, I was able to fire off a few frames each time we crossed.  Here's what I caught in a couple of those frames:

 Wave HI to the strangers in the middle of the street!

Homeboy's diggin' for gold!  I wonder if he found any?

Let this be a lesson to all of you.  Whenever you see a group of people who look like they're on a photoshoot around you, please refrain from picking your nose.

Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 Family Christmas

This year was pretty insane.  One of the larger family gatherings we've had in a while.  Tons of food, lots of people(41 to be exact, 41!!!), and more kids.  The child demographic is growing, last year we had 3 kids and this year we had two more newborns(yay!).  Throw in the traditional Christmas Mah-Jong table and Christmas in our family is pretty much complete.  Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Patara + John = Patarohn - Engagement Palo Alto

So my old roommate John called me up for an engagement session before they went off to Thailand to celebrate their engagement/wedding with Patara’s side of the family.  They didn’t have a preference on location so we met up in Palo Alto.  We raced around Stanford University chasing sunlight and avoiding rain.  In all, I think our shooting time was less than an hour.  So we were a bit rushed, but I was pretty happy with our images.
The last shot we took with Christmas lights lining University Ave was something I had in my head for a loooong time now.  It was inspired by another San Francisco photographer, Dustin Diaz.  I LOVE the lighting in his images.  It took a few tries to get it right.  We got honked at a few times, but once people saw what we were up to they were pretty patient with a couple of crazy photographers running around the intersection.
Special thanks to Jason Ku for helping out on this shoot(and for not getting run over).

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Teaser! Patara + John = Patrohn

John and I used to be roommates when I used to work down in San Jose.  In fact, he practically let me live at his house for free.  We used to bowl for fun every week at Fourth Street Bowl because they had some steep discounts on Monday nights.  One night, Patara came out to bowl with us and I just remember laughing all night long.  John’s a really laid back kinda guy and Patara seemed like such a bundle of “happy”, from the beginning they complimented each other SO well.  When I found out they were engaged, I couldn’t have been happier for them!
They’re heading out to Thailand to celebrate their engagement with Patara’s extended family and wanted to take some pictures with them.  I was honored when they asked me for a quick mini-E-Session.  We goofed off a bit like we always did and raced against the sun, but I was pleased with the images we got.  Here’s a little teaser, more to come later:

Special thanks to Jason for helping me out on this shoot