Saturday, June 27, 2009

St Louis - The hours leading up to the wedding

I've already fallen behind my initial commitment to post at least once per week, sigh...

Anyways, here are some pics from St. Louis again. These were taken on Patrick and Rachel's wedding day in the hours leading up to the big event and some taken after. I put my camera down during the ceremony/reception.

PJ going over his schedule for the day after he came back to the house from breakfast.

Mom and The Colonel swung by the house to pick up the keys to Pat's truck and to chat for a bit.

Cheesy shot of the rings

Chris and Max in the Blue Room waiting to begin

The Ring Bearer(Silas Chang) and pappa(Jason Chang)

Pat and The Colonel

Pat and Mr Vander Meulen

Lloyd, the Best Man. Going over his speech on his palm and getting ready to bust out his flask.

PJ and The Colonel up to no good... =)

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