Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Careless Hearts

An old coworker of mine back from my days with Align Technology has a band that was playing in a huge music festival in San Jose called Left Coast Live. His name is Paul Kimball and his band is Careless Hearts. It was late at night(actually it was early in the morning), but Careless Hearts came out and totally rocked. People were packed into the bar where they were playing and dancing wherever they stood. Lots of fun energy to try and capture that night.

Shooting conditions were pretty rough. It was in a bar that was in a basement and I didn't have a flash with me so I had to resort to shooting at ISOs upwards of 4000 and 5000. This was really the first time I got to test out the High ISO performance the new 5D. Results are below - Pictures are shown in pairs, the straight-out-of-camera pics are shown first. Followed by the same pic with a little post processing.

This last pic isn't of the band, but of some of the people who were groovin' to Paul and the Careless Hearts. Lots of rockin' music and lots of fun! Check out Careless Hearts here.

To see all the pics from that night, go HERE to my flickr set. Also, if you're interested they'll be playing at the new Courthouse Square in Redwood City on July 10. I'm going to try to make it out to shoot them again. Everyone should come, it should be a fun time!

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