I’m on this light balancing kick recently. I’ve created softer light via shoot-through umbrella, played with putting different colored gels on my strobes for different effects. But I had never gel’d a strobe to shoot through an umbrella. I wanted to see if a gel’d light would lose any of its color, or what would happen. So just to compare, here’s a straight up strobe shot through an umbrella(located in frame, camera left).
Now here’s the same shot but with a 1/2 CTO gel(NOTE: I goofed a bit on this, I actually thought it was a full CTO gel, didn’t realize it was a 1/2 ‘til the next day):
As you can see, the light is definitely warmer even with the 1/2 CTO. One thing to note is that the gel ate up some light so I had to make some adjustments to make sure my exposure was correct. In this case, I adjusted my aperture two stops. Now to apply this out in the field during an actual photoshoot! I have an idea in mind... and it involves tiki torches lit with fire! =)