Wednesday, June 30, 2010

OCF 9 - Tennis Action!

So we decided to pull drag our lighting gear one of the local tennis courts to play around.  Myron, Jason, and I showed up around 8pm to start setting up our lights.  For talent, Burgess and Judy were gracious enough to be models for us that night.  The nice part was that we had two courts all to ourselves in a fenced in area so we had some privacy and some security knowing all our gear was enclosed in one area.  We actually used both courts one to shoot, while we set-up on the other, and back and forth.  That is until someone came to play tennis...

Anyway, while doing some setup, I thought it'd be a good chance to get another OCF self portrait in.  I almost look like I can play, huh?  As far as strobist info:

-one SB24 camera left with 1/2 CTO gel
-one 580EXII camera right, bare flash
-Sun for a little back light, but was already set by the time we got everything set up

This was just a test shot for images we came up with later that evening:

1 comment:

  1. Sweet shots, dude. I love that you keep progressing. Keep it up.
