Tuesday, April 6, 2010

OCF - Outtakes


So I had a whole mess of pictures from the last OCF session I had with Moi-Moi.  Using multiple strobes, a 70-200mm, and a dog in a self-portrait is actually pretty difficult.  Especially when trying to capture some barking/growling.

Strobes - I had the lighting set up and balanced the way I wanted, but my key light was firing at 1/2 power.  After a couple shots, the recycle time took WAY longer than the rate I was taking pictures.  I ended up with more pictures with my key light not firing than with it firing.  Here's one I think would've been a great image had everything worked:

Long lens - Aside from the lighting, I realized how difficult it is to take a self portrait with a long lens.  I was thinking about how this SF photographer (Dustin Diaz) frequently used a 200mm prime for his 365 self portrait project and now I appreciated his work that much more.  I think this would been the best shot of the night.... had it been in the frame.  Just missed, darn.

So, this was the original plan I had for this self-portrait session, but I didn't like it so much after I did it.  For those of you who know me, I've developed a recent obsession for Rubik's Cubes.  

Couple things I did not like about this.  The shadows in the lower part of the frame distracted my eye.  It's from a strobe I put down to light the background.  But since I didn't have another light stand, it was just sitting on the sofa that was there, but it was catching the back of the sofa and throwing that shadow up there.  I moved it, but couldn't get the same blown out background I kinda wanted.  Also, I dunno, I just didn't like the way the cube looked.  Maybe I need to snoot it or something.  I think I might try that at some point.

So in the end, it came down to the one I chose and another one.  I think  I chose the other one because our expressions were more matched.  But I still like them both:

Lessons learned - Balance lighting with strobes at lowest power you can keep them.  I knew that before, but I wanted to test out the new SB-24 I just bought(used).  That flash seems to be pretty solid, but I need to be carfeul if I ever crank it up to 1/2 power or more.  Need to find a way to better mark a spot for me(or any subject) to stand.  If you look at the last picture, you can see a little post it note I had on the wall. for where my center of focus was - Duh, need to have something that won't be in the frame...


1 comment:

  1. You need to have something that won't be in the frame or just use that handy thing called photoshop to take it out...
