So... I got a little lazy and didn't do an OCF weekly portrait this week. Instead, for some reason my mind was preoccupied with snoots. I was browsing around and it looks like the honl speed snoot retails for 29.99. When I saw it, it was just a piece of fabric with velcro. I wanted to buy one, but just couldn't justify the cost.
SO... I went to the fabric store. I came back with foot of canvas. I wanted to get some sort of black fabric that was thick and could hold shape. I ended up with canvas, but they didn't have black. And instead of waiting or going to another store, I bought the darkest color they had which was a Navy Blue. Add to that some sew on velcro and I spend a total of:
1 Foot Navy Blue Canvas = $1.86
1 packaage of sew on velcro = $3.49
Tax (9.25%) = $.50
Total Spent = $5.85
After almost 2 hours of careful measuring, cutting, pinning, and sewing. This is what I ended up with. I was pretty happy with it. It fit nicely over the velcro speedstrap on any one of my strobes.
But does it work??? Only one way to find out!
GAH!!! I was afraid the light would be tinted. And as you can see, it's totally blue! Not at all what I wanted. But it wasn't unexpected. It was good to make one though and the next time should be much quicker than 2 hours to complete one. Gotta go find some black canvas.
Not bad for $5.85 worth of materials. I save almost $25 from making this instead of purchasing one. DIY FTW!