Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ashley Herman - Happy 1 Year Birthday!

Many years ago, I used to know Sherri as Sherri Sakamoto. Years after goofing around in our high school Calculus class, she's now happily married with a beautiful baby girl, Ashley. I was fortunate enough to join them in a little picnic to celebrate Ashley's first birthday. It was a super hot day at Heather Park in Walnut Creek so we spent a lot of time huddled up in the shade. Babies everywhere!

Kylie Cheng trying to keep cool in her pretty dress with a cool bottle of water.


Long time friends with new daughters. Left to Right: Katryna with Kylie, Sherri with Ashley, and Jen with Hailey.

Ashley with Grandma!

Mrs Sakamoto, Ashley, Sherri, and Suh-Yun

Happy Birthday Ashley!!!

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