Recently, Burgess and Judy were gracious enough to be models, yet again, for Myron and me to shoot. This time we went to San Francisco. The day before the weather was in the 70's without a cloud in the sky. The day we went to shoot, it was freezing cold and completely cloud covered. Less than ideal, but we decided to shoot anyways. Here are some of the shots. For the full set, go to my flickr page.
This last one, for some reason I really like it. Although the pose was incredibly uncomfortable for Judy. Thinking back, maybe just one arm around Burgess' neck would've been a better pose(and more comfortable).
Many years ago, I used to know Sherri as Sherri Sakamoto. Years after goofing around in our high school Calculus class, she's now happily married with a beautiful baby girl, Ashley. I was fortunate enough to join them in a little picnic to celebrate Ashley's first birthday. It was a super hot day at Heather Park in Walnut Creek so we spent a lot of time huddled up in the shade. Babies everywhere!
Kylie Cheng trying to keep cool in her pretty dress with a cool bottle of water.
Long time friends with new daughters. Left to Right: Katryna with Kylie, Sherri with Ashley, and Jen with Hailey.
I've known Roger for over a dozen years. So I jumped at the chance to help him celebrate his birthday this year in Tomales Bay shucking and bbq-ing some oysters right out of the sea.
Nice and simple menu.
Oysters straight out of the water.
Madeline(Roger's fiance) getting ready to do some shuckin'!
The Birthday Boy starting the day off by making some Bloody Marys.
Brent and Madeline hard at work.
Grilled Oysters!
Jen, Vic, and Chloe enjoying some breezy sunshine.
Drew and Jeff shuckin' away!
Jeff drizzling lemon juice on freshly shucked oysters! Yum!
Grilled Jumbo Oyster. Special thanks to Drew and his homemade sauces.
Roger enjoying a grilled oyster.
Baby Jered enjoying the sun!
Matt enjoying some friendly company in the warm sun.
Drew and Flo chillin' after a filling meal.
Friends, food, and lots of fun. Special Thanks to Madeline for planning and making all this possible. Happy Birthday Roger!