Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Senior Portraits - Jenna Yang
A close fried of my cousin Aaron, Jenna is also an upcoming Senior at Mills High School.  A student athlete and connoisseur of K-POP, we had a great time hanging out with Jenna for this photoshoot. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Senior Portraits - Aaron Lee
Straight A student, elite swimmer, pianist, and my cousin.  It’s crazy how much he’s grown.  No longer the baby cousin I first met 17 years ago, he’s blossomed into quite the young man.  Steamrolling his way through high school, he’s prepping to take his SAT’s, and will soon be sending out his college applications.  Before I know it, he’ll be leaving for University.  Big changes coming up in his life, so its nice to have these images as a little reminder of this time in his life.

Monday, May 7, 2012


So I read somewhere about this thing called the Perigee Full Moon, also known as SuperMoon that happens once a year.  In 2012, it was scheduled for May 5-May 6.  I went out May 5 at night to see what kind of pictures I could get and it was pretty cool.  I even drove up to the top of some local hills to try and get a decent shot.  It was okay, not as spectacular as I thought it would be.  I looked up again May 6th and the moon seemed even larger.  I felt lazy and didn't want to drive so I just took this image from sidewalk in front of my house.  I'm just thankful I didn't run into any werewolves...  j/k, enjoy!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wedding - Ahreum and Myron

Myron is one of the oldest friends I know.  In fact, his dad and my dad were friends when they were our age now.  So it was a tremendous priviledge to have the opportunity to take some images of Myron and his beautiful bride, Ahreum.  After getting ready at Myron's house, we headed out to San Francisco City Hall for the ceremony, my first time there.  I had heard it was nice inside, but never realized how gorgeous it was.  Ahreum was simply elegant with her knee length wedding dress which I adored.  Myron seemed a little nervous, but he made it through with the poise of a career tribute(for all you Hunger Games fans out there).  These are just some informal images, but it was a fun day so I thought I'd post up a few.  They were even good enough sports to let me take a couple shots at night.  Congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Yeung!
