Thursday, February 11, 2010

Salt Lake City

I was blessed to have the opportunity to take a trip out to Salt Lake City, UT to do a little snowboarding with some cousin's from Australia. It was a fantastic time of catching up and plowing through some snow. Good times at Park City. So, this was our last full day and we decided to just chillax a little and explore a little. So we were driving around some random roads as the sun was setting and I had to pull over to take some pics with Off Camera Flash. After I took some pics of my cousin Jeffrey, we switched places and I had a chance to take some pics with the sunset behind us.

See the rest of the pics here

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

OCF Self Portrait - Week...?

OK, I know I'm about 5-6 weeks behind on this project. When Christmas and New Years came, I've just been kinda out of it. Tons of excuses, but no more. I plan to be back on track and make up for the weeks I missed. Anyways, this picture serves two purposes. First its continuing this Off Camera Flash Project. Next, its my entry into a monthly "contest" I have with some other friends. The theme this month is "Night Light". A little background, my cousin Jeff bought this awesome lookin' bottle of Vodka called Crystal Head. When I saw it, an image popped in my head and that's what I tried to capture here. I kinda like this. Oh, and if you look at the exif data, the 4am timestamp is accurate. Needless to say, I was up late playing with this.

Strobist - Two LED lights on the vodka(one pointed up from below and one pointed towards the camera from behind the skull) and two strobes (One from below pointed at my hand and the other far above my right shoulder).
