Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mad About Roger


Roger's one of my oldest friends. I won't say how long we've known each other, but its a looooong time. Last monday I kinda crashed their Engagement Photo Session with Michelle Walker and just kinda tagged along. I got to help her carry some of her gear. You can see a couple of Michelle's photo's on her blog here. I didn't want to interrupt their session so I didn't pull out my camera until after she left. Here are some I took:

Roger and Madeline enjoying some hot chocolate.

The beautiful bride and the cheessy groom. =)


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pismo Beach at Night

I've been completely MIA from everything for the past month because work has been crazy. But now that I have back-up again, I have a little more time for other things. This past weekend, I was at Roger's bachelor party down in Pismo Beach. While the guys were sleeping/resting, I snuck away to grab some nightshots. For those camera geeks out there, these are also the first nightshots I took with my new fancy shmancy 5D. Here are a couple that I liked:

This was taken on the balcony of the beach house we stayed at. The lights you see on the left are the cars that are driving along the beach to get to/from the Oceano Sand Dunes.

This kind of makes me think of a lunar landing.