Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Senior Portraits - Nup at Bezerkeley

I know, I know... I'm totally jumping on the blogging bandwagon. But a ton of photographers out there have one and I follow a bunch of them, so it seems to be a good way for a photographer to put themselves out there, show their pictures, and market themselves(if done right). To me its scary tho, I've never been very good at maintaining blogs(photo related or otherwise) and I've got a bit of stage fright(meaning I'm still not all that comfortable sharing my pictures, especially of myself).

Anyways, for my first blog post, I thought it would be cool to showoff a little Senior Portrait photoshoot my friend Myron(of Babyfisheye fame) and I did for my baby cousin Nup, her family, her roomate(Melissa), and boyfriend(Chris). Nup's real name is Sharon, but when she was a baby, she was super small so the family called her "Nup". More or less a chinese phrase for saying "small". The name stuck for most of the family. Myron PostProcessed his pictures already, but I've been slacking and hope to have them up soon. See our combined pics here.

Sharon and Melissa

Sharon UCB Senior Portraits

Nup and her parents(my Uncle and Aunt)

-bglee OUT